2008 is coming 2 an end...
i dunno whether its just me.. but de yrs seem 2 go by faster n faster...
de past yr: wow!!!
its had some of de lowest points of my life - being chewn up by as$#)!&$ n spat out.. making some of de stupidest mistakes of my life n still suffering for it, falling 4 de wrong person, been used n manipulated n humiliated
but despite all de crap.... i've had some of de highest point in my life.....
- exam results (3/4 of it anywayz) , emcee-ing + videoing 4 de rotaract installation, mooting, hong kong, made a ton of good friends, gotten close to so many others, ridiculously fun times with my frens just laughing like hell...
God has been amazing to me this past year:)
n i hope that He continues to shower his blessings upon me n that I am able to build a closer relationship with him:)
screw finance, i should be a carpenter.
15 years ago